Umred Jungle

Pauni Gate


Pauni Gate

The most beautiful entrance to the Umred-Karhandla Jungle may be at Pauni, which is also a place where sloth bears are frequently spotted. The wildlife of this wonderland includes a variety of birds, including the white-eyed buzzard eagle, the oriental honey buzzard, and the mottled wood owl, among others.

The Pauni Gate is home to the female Tigress Shadow, which migrated from the Moharli range into the Tadoba jungle. Tigress Shadow is 5 years old and has 2 cubs aged 9 months each. The Tigress migrated a whopping 170 km around a year ago in this nature haven. Another majestic beauty named N4 is a male tiger that migrated from the Ghodazari range, Nagbheed, and now resides in Pauni. This tiger is 5 years old and is a major tourist attraction.

Apart from the rich land animals, this part of the jungle boasts migratory birds that come from Europe. One can find a great variety of bird species in this area. The red-crested pochard, which originates from Europe and England and travels to North America for the better part of the winter, is well-known among many people. Beginning in November and continuing until either January or February, one may observe these birds. This woodland is home to a variety of native bird species, including Indian Eagles, Scoop Owls, Spotted Owls, Indian Grey Hornbills, and Northern Pintails, in addition to a variety of exotic migratory birds such as Red Stars, Northern Shovelers, and Northern Pintails. In addition, this woodland is home to osprey.

How to reach

To witness this natural marvel, one can venture a total of 55 to 60 km of jungle safari. Pauni is 90 km from Nagpur and can be visited in personal vehicles.

Safari timing

There are 02 shifts i.e. morning & evening. Morning shifts are from 6:00 am to 10:00 am. Evening safaris are from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Pictures From The Gate

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